- A poem written to myself when I needed it the most. I was going through such a rough time. I had a boyfriend that refused to read my website or my writings or ever really recognize my trauma and try and be someone that gave me continual unconditional love. I needed that. As always.
Do not allow yourself to complete someone else’s dream.
You are not here for them.
You are something without them.
You are anything without them.
You are everything with yourself.
All is but an addition if it not be your children.
You are magnificent.
You are regal.
You are unattainable due to lack of strength in them.
You are precisely abundant in faith.
Abundant in joy.
Abundant in love.
Abundant in life.
You are something special without them too.
Just know you can be better.
And being better takes time.
It takes willingness to see the side of yourself that has fallen.
It is they who have deceived you into thinking you cannot get up.
You can get up.
You will get up.
You are quintessence.
And on we move. Let’s not even consider it a breath of air that we need to be in the same space with.