The best I can do is
Sometimes I think the best I can do is more for myself. I am thinking about this in a selfish way. I don’t mean to make you feel some typr of way. But I know that I know I need to feel the feeling I have felt before where I did not care about what a man thought about me. I was more concerned with pleasing myself. Because knowing that pleasing him was not going to get me anywhere and it was going to be something that was going to fulfill him for the long run. But will it fulfill me for this time that we are in now. I want to be able to trust you. Bit I have been burnt so many times before and I don’t like the fact that so many people have made me into something that I don’t have to be. I am not something for myself to look back and regret being. But in some ways I do, And I think it sometime is because i regret the things that someone had me go through. I don’t have to go through that and you made me feel so bad about myself I didn’t feel like I could trust you. You were something that made me feel so insecure and unloved it made me look for love and security elsewhere.
They have only 60 calories. They contain phytochemicals that may lower cholesterol.
Lemon H2O:
Lemon peels contain pectin- a soluble fiber proven to help immensely with weight loss. Lemon water helps you feel fuller. Just add lemon juice to your water!!
Red Grapefruit:
I read about a study where a woman ate half a grapefruit with each meal and lost 3.6 pounds over 12 weeks. While those who drank it 3 times a day lost 3.3 pounds. The red kind has more of the cancer protecting antioxidant lycopene.
*make your skin glow!*
They have been shown to perk up your looks and slow the aging process. Eating a handful of dried figs increases the number of antioxidants in your blood for four hours. Which is much longer than many other foods.
Red Bell Peppers:
These have large amounts of Vitamins A, C & E. Which makes it a superfood.
This also has the cancer fighting antioxidant lycopene. And it provides 33% more protection against sunburn than other fruits.
*bolster that body*
The neural pathways in our brains are growing and improving all the time. Eat the right foods and you’ll be able to concentrate better, remember more and feel calmer. Blueberries may improve memory, cognition, and balance. Researchers believe that blueberries reduce inflammation and help us overcome the normal effects of brain aging.
Researchers believe that cinnamon may inhibit certain Alzheimer’s disease cells.
These fruits decrease anxiety-related behaviors, and researchers think they protect against depression. A perfect lift me up for a gloomy day!!!