
Cosmic Fortitude

I had opened the door.

And quite honestly at that time for me.

It was exactly what I needed.

When it came to each time.

I opened the door the excitement mounted.

I just got more and more into the process.

Of waiting for the arrival and excited.

To open the door much like a surprise.

There was a feeling that I could have explained.

To other people as a good fit.

The essence of the way I melted was satisfying.

When you go through periods in life.

Where you’re down and just feel low about yourself.

Your drive.

Happiness and other things.

There could very well be a place to turn.

And that place was a cosmic place.

Meeting at the same table every time.

Well, I know we both wanted juice.

A handmade special blend.

And then I’ll sit and tell you all the things.

Relax, unwind.

Stay a little longer.

That was always the thing.

My heart hurt when you left.

I would want you to stay longer.

And linger.

My body yearned for the security your hands gave it.

When you massaged my shoulders.

If it be up to someone else.

To try and take you from me, they might.

Oh, they might.

But I got this deep fluttering feeling in my stomach.

When I saw these camouflage pants with an orange stripe.

Neon orange in fact.

And it took all my strength to keep my heart intact.


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